I have to confess that the Christmas rush has left me drained. I was in the studio painting every day for about 5 weeks and at the machine sewing almost every night. The figures have come in at 103 bags sold for the months of November and December. And let me tell you, it certainly feels like it! It was lovely thinking on Christmas morning that there were so many people out there opening their presents and finding an Anna Bag. Of course, I've been so busy that no-one received one directly from me... maybe next year. Right now I'm having a necessary break from the bags (altho I have 2 paintings to finish in the studio by Friday morning) and I'm heading to the coast for at least 2 weeks before coming back to the school rush at the end of the month. Then in February I'll hopefully be motivated to work again! I am also spending my little holiday trying to think of better ways to manage this little business of mine in 2007 - seeing as with a bit of luck I'll be bouncing a baby on my knee come late June. So, I'm off and will blog again next month. Farewell for now! (Oh, and the picture is of our lovely new outdoor area being well used for a New Years Eve gathering - thank you to my talented husband for building it and also for subsequently fixing the camera so we won't keep taking blurry images like this!)