Geez - it's the 7th already! School holidays definitely make the days fuller and less predictable - hence the lack of blogging around here. I have been reading a few blogs though, as I try and build the text for my first blog of the year, but hey, one of my plans for this year is to let go of my quest for perfection, resist the idea that I'm being constantly judged, and just do things.
So here, in all my imperfections, I go.
Here are a few of my plans for the coming year (in no particular order - which is probably obvious!)
- to really 'see' - noticing reflections (see our playground in my son's eye above?), negative spaces, colours and tones, and sketch/doodle more
- to enjoy every minute that I have with the two wonderful little girls I have here at home
- to make time to have a cuppa with my husband each day, and kiss him goodnight each night
- to do a business plan for Shiny Happy Art (I totally know how - I just have to DO IT)
- to do a course and learn Adobe Dreamweaver and Illustrator
- to spend time with my kids individually
- to lose 30kgs (it's started!)
- to focus on a project at a time and prioritise distractions
- to illustrate the two books I have been given text for (believe it or not, Emma!)
- to work small, but creatively, on canvases for the TGS and Downlands Art Shows
- to finish paintings for my dear (older than me!) friends who turn 40 this year
- to be calm
- to teach my kids how to work with me and help keep the house liveable - not perfect - liveable
- to document at least 5 new tutorials for my blog
- to complete a Project 365 challenge - a photo a day - and make a photo book from it
- to finish and have printed a photobook for the year 2009 (also started!)
... now I'm on a roll, I think I could go on and on!
Best not to or it'll all seem too much.
Right now I have to order school books for one child that is finishing primary school this year (how exciting for him and his amazing eyes) and the other that moves into Year 4, with more responsibility, project work and maturity required. It'll be a big year for him.
And I
have have have to finish the thank you cards (the design of which has percolated and is now ready to be printed) for the lovely people who sent gifts for the now 7 month old (how embarrassing). It's a very high priority, and you read it here, they'll be done by next Thursday 14th Jan (we're off to a 40th in Sydney on the Friday, so that's a nice deadline).
OK, now my 'first post' hurdle has been jumped and the blog year is christened. I'll do that diary cover tute soon and I'll try and make this an interesting and useful space for you to stop and visit. Say hi and I'll be extra motivated (Marissa?)!
Bub's awake, off I go...
HAPPY 2010!