21 October, 2007

Flowers, cakes and Spiderman!

This is one of my poppy paintings that recently sold at our 30 x 30 = $90 exhibition.
This bunch of daisies is cute and available (for $90), so I will add it to my site very soon.

And this cupcake pic is in honour of the fact that I am joining forces with a brilliant local florist, Rebecca of Lucy Victoria, and a talented local cake artist, Viv from Tinker Magic, to paint out the front of the florist shop, on Saturday 10th November. I'm going to paint HUGE flowers and love every minute of it. Then another day soon I'm going to paint HUGE cakes. Can't wait. I'm just as excited about the business networking as I am about the painting. I just love talking marketing!

And this is my wonderful, talented, middle child, Josh. Isn't this an amazing photo!


  1. Anonymous8:20 am

    Are you trying to tell me that isn't the real Spiderman?!

    As always, lovely work, Anna :)

  2. Well, most flowers you'd get anywhere are pretty ethically questionable (at best). Try our local florist


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