22 September, 2009

The Carnival is in full swing

I've done 2 sessions in Queens Park so far and the weather's been fantastic, the crowds friendly and I have completed some new paintings which I'm very happy about.
I'm on again Wed morning and Sat afternoon, and perhaps on Ruthven St during the long lunch on Sunday. It is hot though and the bub's not been happy with the bottle, so the logistics have been pretty full on. But it's once a year and a lot of fun.
New art and coloured teatowels will be available on my website next week.


  1. Anonymous9:00 pm

    Hi great to see you out there, hope it has been rewarding...good to see David and your mum helping...thinking of you as I sit in front of a computer at work....lol love and hugs...hope you got my email re the orange paint, p.s. good time to send lots of extra love to our Nic. talk soon xxxx Kym

  2. Hey, loving those poppies. Really unhappy about those kind of logistics though - every one of my three refused a bottle with great gusto!

  3. I bet you were in your glory and loved every minute of it!


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