02 September, 2010

My Creative Space - shiny shiny

Varnishing is my favourite part of the whole process of painting. I love my paintings to be glossy and shiny, it really makes the colours pop. And it's a signal that it's finished, ready to go out into the world.

My Mum helped with the girls this week, so I could fit in a few sessions of painting for the Carnival of Flowers exhibition that's coming up. With limited time, I paint like lightening! But I did totally redo the butterflies during the process of this one (I love acrylics - nothing has to be forever) and this butterfly (can't remember the name) is one that can actually be found in Australia.

I can't vouch for the other one though. I think he's a visitor from out of town.

For more creative spaces, head over to kootooyoo!


  1. Love the colours and the butterflies!

  2. I was going to say exactly what Ady said ... the colours are wonderful!

    Sell, little butterfly! Sell!

  3. Gorgeous! I've been trying to draw butterflies this week but they're just wrong... yours are beautiful.

  4. beautiful! love everything so bright and cheery and shiny!


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