I've just joined this list and so took pics of my two 'creative spaces' today - the kitchen where I'm experimenting with cookie cutters and pineapple slices (fun) while sneaking glances at this beautiful book my husband bought me FOR NO REASON (very impressed) yesterday - I love this guy's art!
29 October, 2009
My Creative Space
I've just joined this list and so took pics of my two 'creative spaces' today - the kitchen where I'm experimenting with cookie cutters and pineapple slices (fun) while sneaking glances at this beautiful book my husband bought me FOR NO REASON (very impressed) yesterday - I love this guy's art!
New handpainted totes now available

28 October, 2009
Dressed to impress
25 October, 2009
Wish this would happen at our shops!
and hope it makes you laugh out loud like I did.
Love it!
Pot pot pot
And it's very easy.
And very addictive.
We (well, ok, I) made A LOT of cute, little, newspaper pots.
And filled them with seed raising mix, planted the seeds, sprayed water on them, and are now eagerly waiting for them to sprout! I'm a proud mumma so there will be pictures I'm afraid. Once they're sprouted we can plant them straight into the ground and the newspaper will biodegrade. Sounds neat.
Loved this kit though. Will use it for parties too, I think, to make little pots for lollies or nuts with strips of coloured paper.
23 October, 2009
Dribble solution

Rellies on their way to visit now, so a bit of picking up to do!
22 October, 2009
Step 2 - The Rug

I'm now on a quest to make my home more of an 'Anna Maria Horner' experience than the 'send Oprah's Rescue Team around' experience that it has been known to be around here.
So far I've made the first batch of cushions:

Still to come - Step 3 'Painting and resining the coffee table (with tutorial - including some blowtorch action!)' and Step 4 'Replacing the corner table with something that includes storage'. Hmmm, there's some second hand shop trawling required to work on that.
Stay tuned.
20 October, 2009
A few important lines

Simple Abundance - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Cultivate gratitude.
Carve out an hour a day for solitude.
Begin and end the day with prayer, meditation, reflection.
Keep it simple.
Keep your house picked up.*
Don't overschedule.*
Strive for realistic deadlines.*
Never make a promise you can't keep.
Allow an extra half hour for everything you do.
Create quiet surroundings at home and at work.
Go to bed at nine o'clock twice a week.*
Always carry around something interesting to read.
Breathe- deeply and often.
Move- walk, dance, run; find a sport you enjoy.
Drink pure spring water. Lots of it.*
Eat only when hungry.*
If it's not delicious, don't eat it.*
Be instead of do.
Set aside one day a week for rest and renewal.
Laugh more often.
Luxuriate in your senses.
Always opt for comfort.
If you don't love it, live without it.*
Let Mother Nature nuture.
Don't answer the telephone during dinner.***
Stop trying to please everybody.
Start pleasing yourself.
Stay away from negative people.
Don't squander precious resources: time, creative energy, emotion.
Nuture friendships.*
Don't be afraid of your passion.
Approach problems as challenges.
Honor your aspirations.
Set achievable goals.
Surrender expectations.
Savor beauty.
Create boundaries.
For every "yes", let there be a "no".
Don't worry; be happy.
Remember, happiness is a living emotion.
Exchange security for serenity.
Care for your soul.
Cherish your dreams.
Express love every day.
Search for your authentic self until you find her.
The ones that I've * starred* are the ones I'm working on extra hard this week. I'm going to print the whole thing out and stick it on the fridge and work through it. Could take a while...
And thank you S for coming by today. xxx
19 October, 2009
Love these tees
The names are made of some sort of transfer, not screenprinted, and they're crisp and lovely and totally made in Australia (even the t-shirt is sewn in Melbourne). The quality is excellent and the owner, Kris, a former lawyer, has worked hard to come up with this lovely method for the shirts. To see for yourself, visit www.playingchasey.com.au.
14 October, 2009
Love this idea
The kids did their maths and decided they wanted to get those Simpsons stickon things that The Courier Mail was promoting, so we've had more newspapers than usual around lately, and this seems like a great way to reuse a few. And I THINK you can plant straight into the ground with newspaper - I could be wrong. I'm going to get one anyway, and I'll let you know.
I also love their Tempus Fugit Wall Planner - this is ours, cut in the middle to fit on the pantry doors - it's time for a new one. Next year will be full of my schoolmates' 4oth's and dates are already being mentioned. It looks busy, but it's got weeks that start on Mondays and it really works for us. Just click on this image (below) if you want to have a look.
They also have some terrific blackboard napkin rings that look good... better put my credit card back in the freezer now.
If you're a Remo newbie, they'll also send you a free t-shirt (they were my 'uniform' for the school run for years), so they're very nice people.
11 October, 2009
What a great fair!

Mulberry Crumb Cake
We have a terrific mulberry tree in our back yard. Planted by my husband only a few years ago, it's fruiting beautifully. But what to do with the berries? With the crazy dust storms we've had they couldn't be eaten straight off the tree (but try telling that to the kids!).
Anyway, yesterday I made this, and it's really yummy.
I've adapted the American recipe from here, http://www.fooddownunder.com/cgi-bin/recipe.cgi?r=170032 and didn't use any jam. It makes a small, but very special, 'afternoon tea' type cake. (Although I actually had it as my lunch yesterday. Yum.)
Mulberry Almond Crumb Cake
Process in food processor until it looks like crumbs:
1 cup plain flour
1/3 cup sugar
Pinch salt
¼ cup butter
Reserve ½ cup to use in topping.
Then put in a mixing bowl with:
½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp bicarb soda
1/3 cup sour cream
2 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
½ tsp almond extract
1 egg
And beat at medium speed until blended. Then spoon into cake tin.
Then beat up
90g cream cheese
2 tbsp sugar
1 egg white
And spoon over top of first batter.
Top with
1/3 cup mulberries (I didn't measure these actually, I just dotted them on)
Combine reserved flour 'crumbs' with
2 tbsp blanched almonds (chopped up in processor)
And sprinkle on top.
Bake 50 mins at 180 degrees celcius.
09 October, 2009
Aprons and Airmail

The Mater Dei School Fair is always terrific and the whole family is looking forward to it tomorrow. The finale is fireworks (which have not been done before) and the weather's looking fabulous, so it's going to be a great day.
08 October, 2009
Angel Kits now listed
What's happening here?
05 October, 2009
I love dressups!
How do kids look fantastic in everything they wear?!!
Today S actually managed to put on a denim jacket upside down and back to front. I didn't know it was actually possible, but now I know it is. Of course I had a crying bub in my arms at the time, so alas, no pic of that sweet moment.
New Kit Coming
I have made these little angels up as coloured hanging softies, but really, the idea is that you can make them up in any way you wish - you can paint them, stitch them, applique them, bead them, laminate them... It's up to you.
And once they're made, they can adorn your home, your Christmas Tree, be given as 'girlfriend gifts', all sorts of things really.
I've drawn them all individually, but they can be paired up as 3 front/backs as they are almost mirror images.
What I am looking for is two keen crafters to each take one of my panels and do with it what they wish and send me photos. I will send them some extra goodies for their trouble, as well as their fresh-off-the-screen panel.
Just leave me a comment and let me know what you'd plan to do with it - don't worry about being too detailed, I'm just keen to see two different applications, ie, beading and stitching, not both stitching, if you know what I mean. I'll put this call up on the Meet Me At Mike's forum too, then make the call on Thursday night (8 Oct) and send the fabric out on Friday.
Looking forward to gauging the interest!
01 October, 2009
October Mailing List Prize

We've got quite a few new products being added at the moment, and they're all limited edition or one-offs, so if you're on the list you'll be notified first. Come on over and see...